University of Aveiro, Department of Communication and Art (DeCA)
Campus de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro. Portugal
13th-17th November 2017
The International Conference Electroacousticwinds 2017 SYNCHRESIS – Audio Vision Tales is organized by the Center of Electroacoustic Research (CIME), the Institute for Ethnomusicology – Research Center for Music and Dance (INET-MD), Research Institute in Design, Media and Culture (ID+) and DigiMedia – Digital Media and Interaction (CIC.Digital).
This conference seeks to establish bridges between Music Creation, Design & Soundscapes and New Media.
The eaw2017 SYNCHRESIS – Audio Vision Tales conference will focus on the relationship between sound and image, two different languages within the multimedia art form. The technological tools to improve this relationship are the main focus of the proposed symposium; dialogical perspectives will be given center stage relevance and participants will be confronted with both technical-linguistic and aesthetic points of view, but also discussions on how technology is enabling these two mediums to merge, creating tools for manipulating and enhancing not only the artist’s creativity but also the audience’s immersion.
This audio-vision relationship has become a research focus for different authors in recent decades. However, in this field, as in others within the digital humanities realm, new assumptions and theories are created every time technology overcomes its constraints and presents a new paradigm.
Design and soundscapes aims to discuss and mirror interactions between and features of design, sound, silence and the potential to perceive space, place and time. Intending to enlarge the scope of the debate, Design and Soundscapes invites researchers, practitioners and performers to present theoretical frameworks and/or empirical studies that address these topics.
Book of abstracts
The EAW 2017 book of abstracts is now available for download.
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Guest Speakers and Workshop Leaders
Mon 13th
Main event
8h00 | Registration | |
CCCI Auditorium | 9h00 | OPENING SESSION Prof. Dr. Manuel Assunção, Rector of University of Aveiro Prof. Dr. Rui Raposo, Head of Department Communication and Art Prof. Dr. Isabel Soveral, Research Unit INET-MD, University of Aveiro Prof. Dr. Fátima Pombo, Research Unit ID+, University of Aveiro |
10h00 | Coffee Break | |
SESSION I – INTERACTIVE SOUND I Virtual Reality / Augmented Reality |
10h30 | Keynote Guilherme Campos, University of Aveiro Give Us Some Space |
11h30 | Rui Penha, INESC TEC – University of Porto The unique expressivity of interactivity |
12h00 | Henrique Portovedo and Paulo Ferreira-Lopes, CITAR – Portuguese Catholic University of Porto HASGS: Hybridaugmented system of Gestural Symbiosis Generating Visual Information |
12h30 | Lunch | |
14h00 | Keynote Nuno Fonseca, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria Sound Particles |
15h00 | António Sousa Dias, University of Lisboa Cinema e sonoplastia: O caso de Domingo à Tarde (1966) de António de Macedo |
15h30 | António Costa Valente, University of Aveiro O CONTO DO VENTO: o jogo da narração |
16h00 | Mat Dalgleish and Niel Reading, United Kingdom Seeing with One ́s Own Ears: Soundtrack as Interface for Theatre |
17h00 | Coffee Break | |
18h30 | Concert SYNCHRESIS Works by Composers and designers from University of Aveiro |
AV Studio | 10h00-13h00 | Workshop 1: Sound Particles Nuno Fonseca, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria |
Sound Studio | 15h00-18h00 | Workshop 2: Sing and Speak 4 Kids David Sonnenschein, University of Southern California, San Diego |
DeCA Auditorium | 15h30-18h00 | Workshop 3: Musidesign: patterns in live performance Lori Freedman, University of Concordia and Pierre Hebert, filmmaker, performer and visual artist |
Tue 14th
Main event
9h30 | Keynote Jaime Munarriz Ortiz, Complutense University of Madrid | |
10h30 | Coffee Break | |
11h00 | Lecture Anna Marie Fisker, University of Aalborg Teatro Olimpico by Andrea Palladio - an iconic opera scenario - and the diffused lightning system - enhancing the aura of mystery in the Wagnerian universe by Mariano Fortuny |
11h30 | Niels Peter Skou, University of Southern Denmark Soundscapes of the experience museum |
12h00 | Nadine Leles, Joel Preto Paulo and Carlos Carvalho, Engineering Institute of Lisboa Sensa Sound |
12h30 | Lunch | |
14h00 | Keynote David Sonnenschein, University of California SanDiego Film Dialogue and Lyrics as Catalyst for Speech Production |
15h00 | Rita Nicolau and Joana Quental, University of Aveiro Design as a tool for education in Dyslexia: the importance of musical feedback |
15h30 | Marcelo Batista and Rui Costa, University of Aveiro Visual Representation in Musical Education |
16h00 | Carlos Alberto Augusto, composer and sound designer Soundscape studies in Portugal |
17h00 | Coffee Break | |
DeCA Auditorium | 18h00 | Concert Bridging Lori Freedman and Pierre Hebert |
Room 21.2.1 | 9h30-12h30 14h30-17h30 | Workshop 4: Audio Post-Production for Cinema Nikola Medic, MA in Sound Design at National Film and Television School |
Wed 15th
Main event
9h15 | Omar Hamido (online), University of California Irvine Abstract Rhythm Model |
10h00 | Tânia Barros and Helena Barbosa, University of Aveiro From static to dynamic: representing images through music |
10h30 | Coffee Break | |
11h15 | Joana Sá, University of Aveiro Beyond dualities and subjectivity – The performing body and the virtual |
11h45 | Nuno Dias, University of Aveiro Music versus Design – the possibility of a sound and vision co-creation culture in DeCA |
12h30 | Lunch | |
14h30 | Keynote Renja Suominen-Kokkonen, University of Helsinki Music and Soundscape in Alvar Aalto's Architecture |
15h30 | Liliana Neves and Fátima Pombo, University of Aveiro The quality of the Music Room in the domesticity of the Casa dos Patudos. Raul Lino project of 1905 |
16h00 | Rita Cruz and Fátima Pombo, University of Aveiro Sound in space as a design feature in workplace interiors |
16h30 | Lecture Paulo Jorge Ferreira, CEO of Avantools | |
17h00 | Coffee Break | |
CCCI Auditorium | 18h00 | Concert Itinerário do Sal – multimedia opera Miguel Azguime, Miso Ensemble |
Room 21.2.1 | 9h30-12h30 | Workshop 4: Audio Post-Production for Cinema Nikola Medic, MA in Sound Design at National Film and Television School |
Room 40.3.16 | 9h30-12h30 | Workshop 5: Observation of the Environment and Construction of the Landscape (theoretical session and debate) Carles Ameller and M. Dolors Tapias, University of Barcelona |
Thu 16th
Main event
9h30 | Keynote Per Anders Nilsson, University of Gothenburg Symbols–Signs–Sounds |
10h30 | Coffee Break | |
11h00 | Pedro Louzeiro, CESEM – University of Évora Synchronizing to Visual Cues in a Networked, Real-Time Notation Environment – Comprovisador |
11h30 | Eunice Artur and Graça Magalhães, University of Aveiro Sound as a medium, the performer as a medium |
12h00 | Belquior Marques and Pedro Rodrigues, University of Aveiro Perceive to Perform: Temporal Indeterminacy in Music for instrument and Live Electronics |
12h30 | Helena Marinho and Joaquim Branco, University of Aveiro New music for old instruments: The expanded fortepiano |
13h00 | Lunch | |
14h30 | Keynote Sharon Kanach, University of Rouen, Centre Iannis Xenakis | |
15h30 | Eduardo Patriarca and Isabel Soveral, University of Aveiro Magdala |
16h00 | António Chagas Rosa, University of Aveiro Melodias Estranhas |
16h30 | Miguel Azguime, Director of Portuguese Music Information Center Two New Op-Era examples and their technological creation network |
17h00 | Coffee Break | |
CCCI Auditorium | 18h00 | Movie Through this looking glass Joana Sá, University of Aveiro |
Room 40.3.16 | 9h00-13h30 14h30-19h00 | Workshop 5: Observation of the Environment and Construction of the Landscape (field work) Carles Ameller and M. Dolors Tapias, University of Barcelona |
Sound Studio | 14h30-17h30 | Workshop 6: The Bucket System - a computer mediated improvisation system by Palle Dahlstedt, Per Anders Nilsson, and Gino Robair Per Anders Nilsson, Performer Ensemble, University of Gothenburg |
Fri 17th
Main event
CCCI Auditorium | 9h30 | Audio-Vision relationships - new research perspectives Round table and group discussions. |
Workshop 1 – Sound particles: presentation and experimentation by the author of the software, Nuno Fonseca
Date: November 13th, 10h00-13h00
Particle systems are currently being used in all major Hollywood studios, to create sounds for epic and complex scenes, though the use of hundreds or even thousands of sound sources, spread over a 3D space, and captured with virtual multichannel microphones.
Workshop 2 – Sing and speak 4 kids, by David Sonnenschein
Date: November 13th, 15h00-18h00
Learning objectives for this workshop include:
- Introduce how cognitive and neuroscience theoretical orientations inform music therapy practice.
- Explore therapeutic goals by applying the elements of music (e.g., tempo, pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm) and employ functional skills with voice.
- Explain the neurological theories that are the bases for speech and language training in the DSLM protocol, including
- Gestalt principles and pattern recognition in music,
- the OPERA Hypothesis (Overlap, Precision, Emotion, Repetition, Attention), and
- the neuropsychological mechanisms and effect of DSLM speech and language patterning embedded in songs.
Workshop 3 – MUSIDESIGN: patterns in live performance, by Lori Freedman and Pierre Hebert
Date: November 13th, 15h30-18h00
Clarinetist Lori Freedman will be in open rehearsal for her festival performances as a solo creative and interpretive musician and as a partner in her duo with film scratcher Pierre Hébert. This will be a demonstration session rather than a lecture in theory, her practice being entirely about process and performance. Group discussions, comments and questions will have the focus of the rehearsal in progress, addressing graphic and non-conventional scores as well as her own creative explorations relating design and music.
Workshop 4 – Audio Post-Production for Cinema, by Nikola Medic
Date: November 14th, 9h30-12h30 – 14h30-17h30; November 15th, 9h30-12h30
This workshop addresses aesthetic concepts inherent to audio for cinema and also methodologies (workflows) associated with ProTools, used in the cinematic post-production industry.
Objectives and methodologies:
- To develop a greater understanding of the function of sound in cinematic narrative
- To present different work methodologies for use in post-production
- To introduce a variety of ProTools editing techniques
- To introduce the Foley process
- To introduce the fundamental elements of the mixing process
The workshop will have a theoretic component that will explore the aesthetic, technical and methodological concepts, in addition to a practical component in which each participant may apply the theoretical knowledge acquired through a series of exercises using sound editing, the Foley process and mixing techniques.
A basic knowledge of acoustics is recommended. Familiarity with Protools is an advantage but not a requirement.
Number of Participants
12 – 15
Calendar and Schedule
- Theoretic component – 3 hours
- Practical Session I (Edition) – 3 hours
- Practical Session II (Foley) – 3 hours
- Practical Session III (Mixing) – 3 hours
If participants have a laptop computer with ProTools installed, they should please bring it to the workshop
Basic Bibliography
Altman, Rick (2004) Silent film Sound. New York: Columbia University Press
Chion, Michel (1983) Film, a Sound Art. New York: Columbia University Press
Chion, Michel (1994) Audiovision. New York: Columbia University Press
Kernis, Mark (2011) Beyond Dolby Stereo. Bloomington: Indiana University Press
Sonnenschein, David (2001) Sound Design. Studio City: Michael Wiese Productions
Yewdall, David (2007) Practical Art of Motion Picture Sound. New York: Focal Press
Workshop 5 – Observation of the environment and construction of the landscape, by Carles Ameller and Dolors Tapias
Date: November 15th, 9h30-12h30; November 16th, 9h00-13h30 – 14h30-19h00
The workshop aims to offer knowledge and the opportunity to work on trans-disciplinary projects of artistic production and research linked to environment.
Objectives and methodologies:
- To reach a deeper understanding of the field
- To conceptualise the experiences and problems observed
- To explore processes of constructing the landscape
- To encourage trans-disciplinary knowledge
The workshop will include theoretical sessions and debates in order to reflect on the agents and the disciplines implicit in the subject. Various examples will be presented. Fieldwork will be carried out in the Aveiro region. Following the fieldwork, the materials will be analysed for a final reflection and debate.
It is desirable that participants should have basic skills in photography, audio-visual recording or any other form of expression that can be used in the workshop.
Number of Participants
12 – 15
Calendar and Schedule:
Theoretical component and debate – 3 hours
Practical component (fieldwork) – 4 ½ hours
Critical appraisal session (including a review of the results) – 4 ½ hours
Participants should bring a camera, video-camera, audio recorder (smartphones may be used) and/or pencil and paper.
Workshop 6 – The Bucket System - a computer mediated improvisation system by Palle Dahlstedt, Per Anders Nilsson, and Gino Robair
Per Anders Nilsson, University of Gothenburg
Performer Ensemble, Aveiro University
Date: November 16th, 14h30-17h30
The Bucket System is invented by Palle Dahlstedt, Per Anders Nilsson, and Gino Robair. In essence it is an open structure of optical signs, a notation, and it is up to the participating musicians to make up rules for each particular performance. In a sense, The Bucket System relates to Cardew’s Treatise (1963-67), which is a graphic score where performers are invited, and obliged, to interpret and to make up their own rules of the given score in order to be able to perform the piece. It is mention worthy that Treatise is to be read in a linear narrative fashion, whereas The Bucket System is non-linear.
In his book Cornelius Cardew – a life unfinished (2008) piano player John Tilbury claims that Cardew admired Christian Wolff’s pieces, such that: “the signs do not represented sounds; they created situations in which the performers act, and the instructions consists mainly of suggestions as how the players interact.” The same can be said about the Bucket System. Another feature of the system is that it is democratic, and symmetrical with respect to power in the group, such as that each participating musician is obliged to provide, as well as follow, playing instructions. In other words: leadership is distributed among the players. In various settings the authors have experimented with different types of rule sets from different point of views, simple ones such as metaphorical, behavioral and hierarchical as well as more complex ones called contextual.
The relation between Sound and Image, two different languages within the multimedia art form, and the technological tools to improve this relationship are at the nucleus of this symposium. There are many research areas that address this problem in one way or another. Our main focus will be not only on the relationship itself, discussing the argument from both technical-linguistic and aesthetic points of view, but also the discussion on how technology is enabling these two mediums to merge, creating tools of manipulation that enhance not only the artist’s creativity but also the audience’s immersion.
Abstracts and Posters for the Conference
Deadline for submission of abstracts: April 28th, 2017 New deadline: May 12th, 2017.
Pre-notification of acceptance or rejection of abstracts: June 28th, 2017.
Deadline for submission of the reviewed abstracts: July 28th, 2017
Full paper for the publication in the Conference Proceedings
Submission deadline: January 28th, 2018.
Pre-notification of acceptance or rejection of full papers: March 28th, 2018.
Deadline for submission of the reviewed full papers: June 28th, 2018.
Publication: July, 2018
Papers and Posters
Each participant can send a maximum of one (1) contribution which will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee by means of a peer review process. At the conference the authors of papers will have 20 minutes for presentation, and 10 minutes for discussion with those present. The Conference Organization will provide a space for the presentation and exhibition of the posters selected by the Scientific Committee. These posters will be exhibited every day of the Conference.
The authors must print and deliver the poster to the Conference Organizers one day before the conference begins. Authors must be present at the exhibition space during the coffee breaks as defined in the programme to answer delegates’ questions. Authors of posters will have 10 minutes for presentation, with the remaining time available for discussion.
To submit an abstract, poster contribution or full paper after the conference
If your contribution is accepted by the Scientific Committee, and you have completed the registration process for the Conference by October 30th, 2017, you may present your research at the Conference with an oral communication of your paper, or a poster. During the conference a CDrom of abstracts will be available. In July 2018, the Conference Proceedings (ISBN) will be published. Your paper may only be included if you presented this work at the Conference, and if your full paper was accepted following a peer-review process.
Use the EasyChair platform link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eaw2017 to submit the abstract and afterwards the paper or poster.
- Send a word file (doc. or docx) – save the file with the initials of the title of your contribution. Example – TPINP.doc, or TPINP.docx
- The contributions should be anonymous and should not express the name of the author(s). Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process
- Written official language of the conference: English. Documents that do not comply with this rule will be excluded from the evaluation process
Model File Abstract and full paper (please click to download and use this model to submit your paper)
Paper Abstract
- Abstract up to 500 words (excluding bibliography)
- Maximum 3 images
- Bibliography (up to 5 references)
Note: Post-conference paper submissions for the Conference Proceedings should not exceed 3500 words (including abstract, footnotes and references) and 5 images
Poster Abstract
- Abstract up to 200 words
- Maximum 5 images
- Bibliography (up to 5 references)
Note: Post-conference poster submissions for the Conference Proceedings should not exceed 1500 words (including abstract, footnotes and references) and 7 images
Through the blind peer review process, two members of the Scientific Committee will assess your submission. Should they have any suggestions or comments, these will be included in a table and sent to you for consideration. Should your work be accepted by both members of the committee without any suggestions or comments in the first stage of the revision, your contribution will be included in the Conference Record and digitally published. If one or both members of the Scientific Committee request revisions, you must make the appropriate changes and, complying with the deadlines set by the Conference Organization, send the document for a second assessment. Your work will not be accepted for publishing in the Conference Proceedings in the following cases:
- If neither member of the Scientific Committee accepts it in the first stage of the revision.
- If the new version sent for revision in the second stage is not accepted.
Registration includes:
- CDrom of abstracts
- proceedings book (ISBN)
- conference programme
- welcome cocktail/reception
- coffee break
- lunch on five day (only for paper/posters 1)
Registration prices
Early bird 1st August – 30th September | Standard 1st October – 10th November |
Attendant | 40€ | 60€ |
Paper/Poster1 | 220€ | 270€ |
Student2 | 100€ | 130€ |
1Requires the acceptance of one paper or poster by the Scientific Committee of the Conference.
2Upon presentation of a student ID.
Workshops prices
Workshops | Early bird 1st August – 30th September | Standard 1st October – 10th November |
Workshop 1 | Regular: 30€; Student: 20€ | Regular: 40€; Student: 30€ |
Workshop 2 | Regular: 30€; Student: 20€ | Regular: 40€; Student: 30€ |
Workshop 3 | Regular: 30€; Student: 20€ | Regular: 40€; Student: 30€ |
Workshop 4 | Regular: 70€; Student: 30€ | Regular: 90€; Student: 50€ |
Workshop 5 | Regular: 60€; Student: 25€ | Regular: 80€; Student: 40€ |
Workshop 6 | Regular: 30€; Student: 20€ | Regular: 40€; Student: 30€ |
Registration in two or more workshops grants a discount of 20% on the total price.
Gala dinner prices
Early bird 1st August – 30th September | Standard 1st October – 10th November |
30€ | 60€ |
Bear in mind that the above mentioned fees will not be refundable.
Departamento de Comunicação e Arte
Universidade de Aveiro
Campus Universitário de Santiago
3810-132 Aveiro
![]() |
Rua da Liberdade, 10 Glória, 3810-126 Aveiro, Portugal Tel: +351 234 404 190 Web: http://hoteldassalinas.com/ GPS: 40º38’25.73’’ N I 8º39’24.31’’ W |
Other accommodation options
The prices presented below are for convenience only. Please contact the hotels for an updated quote.
HOTEL AVEIRO CENTER (★★★, Breakfast included, Single room – 50€, Double room – 65€, Triple room – 85€)
HOTEL MOLICEIRO (★★★★, Breakfast included, Single room – 97€, Double room – 115€)
HOTEL AS AMÉRICAS (★★★★, Single room – 88€, Double room – 88€)
HOTEL AFONSO V (★★★, Single room – 39€, Double room – 58€)
VENEZA HOTEL (★★★, Single room – 50€, Double room – 58€)
HOTEL JOSÉ ESTEVÃO (★★, Breakfast included, Single room – 55€, Double room – 65€)
WELCOME IN (Dormitory – 23€, Double room – 62,5€)
Transport Options
How to get to Portugal?
Besides the regular flight companies, there are some low-cost flight options within Europe to Portugal. Ryanair flies to Porto and Lisbon, and Easyjet flies to Lisbon. The closest airport to Aveiro is the Aeroporto Francisco Sá Carneiro, in Porto.
How to get a train to Aveiro from Sá Carneiro airport?
You can take a taxi from the airport to Campanhã train station, which will take approximately 15 minutes (depending on traffic), and which costs approximately €20.
There is also a metro between the airport and Campanhã train station, which leaves every half hour. The journey takes about 35 minutes, and costs €1,80.
Info: Porto Metro
What are the options to go to Aveiro from Porto?
By train: there are frequent services to Aveiro from Campanhã train station. The train options are the Alfa-Pendular, the Intercidades or the Urbano, which range in price from €14,20 to €3.35 respectively. The train journey from Porto to Aveiro takes between 30 minutes to approximately one hour, depending on the type of train (the Alfa-Pendular is the fastest).
Info: Trains of Portugal
By car: Just take the A1 towards Lisbon, or the A29 towards Aveiro. The journey takes approximately 50 minutes (78 km), and the toll cost is approximately €4,70.
How to get a train to Aveiro from Lisbon Airport?
There is a metro from Lisbon Airportto Oriente train station that takes 10 minutes approximately, and costs €1,40.
Info: Lisbon Metro
What are the options to go to Aveiro from Lisbon?
By train: at Oriente train station there are regular services to Aveiro (Alfa-Pendular train or Intercidades train). The journey to Aveiro takes approximately 2.5 hours, with train tickets varying between €26,30 to €20,20.
By car: take the A1 towards Porto (254 km/approximately 2.5 hours). Turn off at the exit for Aveiro Sul (exit/ saída 15). Aveiro is a further 10 minutes drive along the N235.
How to get to the conference location from Aveiro?
From Aveiro train station: on foot, it takes approximately 30 minutes to reach the University.
By bus, the journey takes 15 minutes.
By taxi, the journey takes approximately 5 minutes (depending on traffic), and costs around €5.
By car: once you reach Aveiro, the University is well sign-posted.
Isabel Soveral
Fátima Pombo
Filipe Paszkiewicz
Pedro Almeida
Aveiro University:
Elsa de Almeida
Marcelo Baptista
Helena Barbosa
Carlota Brandão
Helder Caixinha
Susana Caixinha
Gilvano Dalagna
Nuno Dias
Ivo Fonseca
Filipe Lopes
Graça Magalhães
Eduardo Patriarca
Jaime Reis
Cristina Silva
António Valente
António Veiga
Tânia Barros
Lasalle College of Arts, Singapore:
Filipe Paszkiewicz
Polytechnic Institute of Bragança:
Tiago Lestre
Feup-UT, Austin:
Suse Ribeiro
University of Aveiro:
Isabel Soveral
Fátima Pombo
Pedro Almeida
Helena Santana
António Chagas Rosa
Fernando Ramos
Filipe Lopes
Graça Magalhães
Guilherme Campos
Rui Costa
Teresa Franqueira
Paulo Bernardino
Helena Barbosa
Rui Raposo
Vasco Branco
Francisco Providência
Gilvano Dalagna
António Valente
Nuno Dias
Evgueny Zoudilkine
Jorge Salgado Correio
Paulo Vaz de Carvalho
Helena Marinho
Sara Carvalho
University of Lisboa:
Ana Tostões
António Sousa Dias
Fernando Moreira da Silva
Susana Oliveira
Portuguese Music Information Center
(MIC): Miguel Azguime
Polytechnic Institute of Porto:
Madalena Soveral
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria:
Nuno Fonseca
CITAR – Research Center for Science and Technology of the Arts, Universidade Católica Portuguesa:
Paulo Ferreira Lopes
INESC TEC and Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto:
Rui Penha
University of Barcelona:
Anna Calvera
Carles Ameller
University Complutense de Madrid:
Jaime Munarriz Ortiz
University of Gothenburg:
Per Anders Nilsson
University of Aalborg:
Anna Marie Fisker
University of Helsinki:
Renja Suominen-Kokkonen
Université de Rouen, Centre Iannis Xenakis:
Sharon Kanach
NY University Abu Dhabi:
Carlos Guedes
Columbia College, Hollywood:
David Sonnenschein
Concordia University:
Lori Freedman