@ University of Barcelona
Professor at Department of Visual Arts and Design, University of Barcelona, with PhD in Fine Arts with the thesis Barcelona Blanco i Negro” de Xavier Miserachs y el reportaje urbano en los años 60, and expert in Photography and Cinema. Lectures at Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona and Faculty of Fine Arts , University La Laguna. She was director of the Department of Disegn and Image at University of Barcelona from 2004-2012. Currently she is dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Barcelona. Researcher of the projects I+D+i “El sistema diseño de Barcelona: visualización y genealogía histórica” (2006-2009), “La historia del diseño en Barcelona: análisis de los sectores productivos y de los sistemas de consumo y mediación” (2013-2015). Member of the Research Group GRACMON (Grupo de investigación en Historia del Arte y del Diseño Contemporáneos) http://www.ub.edu/gracmon/?lang=es. Researcher in the projects “Soporte a la Docencia, transito a los nuevos planes de estudios 090909: alternativas para la Enseñanza de las Bellas Artes en la UB sobre la perspectiva de género” (2008-2010), “On Riu Llobregat” (2008-2011),“Los mercados municipales como patrimonio cultural y de relación social en la región de Oujda” (Marruecos) (2012). She has organized courses, seminars and conferences about photography and meetings, workshops and lectures about the ideation and construction of the project of creating. Member of the Editorial Committee of the project Laberinto de Miradas (Fotografía Documental Iberoamericana) http://www.laberintodemiradas.net/. She has published Catàleg de la producción videogràfica a Catalunya 1970-1985, 1986; The Spanish system for doctoral education: Design research supervised and conducted by designers and visual artists, 2005; Teaching practice based researches in visual arts, 2006; Designing and Constructing the Image of the City, 2008; El debate en la formación artística entre les formas de enseñanza y los contenidos: dos experiencias, 2009.